Easter is the most significant event in history–the day Jesus defeated death and brought new life.
Join us on Sun, April 20 as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection!
Redemption Kids is open for ages Birth - 6 Years during all Easter services.
Children are always welcome to join services!
Don’t miss our Family Easter Story Time at 7:30am!
What does the resurrection really mean?
Can I trust it?
What difference does it make for my life today?
Join us this Easter as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection & engage these questions in a meaningful way.
We suggest arriving to the campus at least 10 minutes early (15 if you have kids to check-in for the first time) and head into the Sanctuary. We have plenty of parking and our team would love to greet you!
Family Easter Story Time at 7:30am
Breakfast burritos at the 8AM service
Easter BBQ celebration after the 11AM service
Only the 9:30AM service will be livestreamed, available on YouTube

Gather with us on Fri, April 18 to remember the last seven words of Christ–His final phrases spoken from the cross.
Through Scripture, prayer, music, & artistic expression, we’ll reflect on the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice & the hope found in his words.
5:30PM – Redemption Kids is open for ages Birth - 6 Years
7PM – no childcare available
Children are always welcome to join services!
We suggest arriving to the campus at least 10 minutes early (15 if you have kids to check-in for the first time) and head into the Sanctuary. We have plenty of parking and our team would love to greet you!
Only the 5:30PM service will be livestreamed, available on YouTube