marriage & family
Shaping families through Gospel-centered marriage, parenting, & community
If you’re engaged or married, join us for a night out where you can meet other married couples in our church, share a meal, and talk about common topics that come up in marriage.
To stay updated on when these nights are offered, download our app or follow us on Instagram.
A few times throughout the year, Redemption Kids offers Parents’ Night Out events where you can drop your kids off at our R/Kids classrooms and enjoy a date night or just time to yourself! These nights are $5 per child which include a lesson about Jesus and fun with friends.
To stay updated on when these nights are offered, download our app or follow us on Instagram.
Join other moms at R/Tempe every other Wednesday morning during the school year. During our gatherings we desire to cultivate a community of multi-generational mothers to encourage, guide, and support one another as we navigate the ever-changing seasons of motherhood. Childcare is provided at a small cost. Moms of all ages and stages welcome!
Entering into foster, adoption, and kinship care is a beautiful way to show God's love and hope in the midst of brokenness, but it can be difficult too. The Foster, Kinship, and Adoption Support Group offers families a space to find friendship, encouragement, and support as they build relationships with other families walking a similar path. Please fill out the interest form below to get connected to community and support.
Here are some books we recommend for strengthening and refocusing our hearts and minds on Jesus during tough seasons of marriage and parenting.
Sometimes we just need someone to talk with that is outside of our specific situations to give perspective on how to move forward. If you need to meet with someone, please fill out our Care Form
We are excited for you and your upcoming wedding, and grateful that you would trust us to help counsel you before you get married. Sign up for Premarital Counseling via our Care Form
All of us experience moments in our Marriage and Families where we could use perspective and encouragement. We would be happy to help. Please fill out our Care Form to set up a time to meet.
Whether you already have someone in mind to officiate your wedding or you are looking for someone to officiate your wedding, please fill out our Care Form and select “premarital counseling”. We will chat about officiating during your first pre-marital counseling visit.