teaching kids to know, love, & follow jesus
Redemption Kids offers a safe, loving environment where children aged 2 and up enjoy age-appropriate, Bible-centered activities that help them learn about God and grow spiritually, so parents can feel confident and at ease.
Parents can drop off their children in our Kids classrooms during both the 9AM & 11AM services.
Our classrooms offer a fun, Bible-based curriculum with engaging activities for all ages. From nursery to 4th grade, children enjoy prayer, music, story time, and play with age-appropriate toys. Our dedicated volunteers, who undergo thorough screening and training, are excited to welcome and teach your children about Jesus every week.
On your first visit, head to the Redemption Kids check-in room. A volunteer will help you register and direct you to your child’s class, which is organized by age: 0-11 months, 1 Year Olds, 2 Year Olds, 3 Year Olds, 4-5 Year Olds, K-1, 2nd Grade, and 3rd-4th Grade.
At Redemption Kids, we aim to provide hope, love, and a special place for all to worship.
Our goal is to help your child learn biblical truths in a classroom with peers their age. A trained adult buddy can support them each week to ensure consistency, comfort, and participation at their ability level. This allows you as parents to worship and learn while your child is safely and uniquely cared for in the Kids classrooms.
For more information about our Special Needs Ministry, please reach out to our Kids director, Susanne!
Check In/Out Process
For security purposes, your copy of your child’s nametag will be required when you return to pick up any child. Children must be picked up by a parent or guardian. If you lose your receipt, please be patient as a Redemption Kids Supervisor verifies guardianship. If parents are needed at any time during the service, the number on their parent receipt that corresponds to their child’s nametag will be flashed on the screen in the sanctuary.
Restroom Policies
All bathrooms in the R/Kids area are only to be used by children checked in during service. All adults, including volunteers, are required to use the sanctuary bathrooms.
Interior/Exterior Security
We have a security team in place that regularly monitors the facility, and supervisors at each service specifically monitoring the Redemption Kids classrooms and hallways.
Classroom Ratios
For safety reasons, we limit the number of children in a classroom at any given time. The classroom size is based on appropriate, pre-determined child-to-teacher ratios. Unfortunately, there are times, due to volunteer availability and classroom ratios, that we may have to turn children away in order to maintain a safe environment.
Please note that in order to provide a carefully screened environment with trained volunteers only, we must ask parents to refrain from entering any classroom unless requested by Redemption Kids Staff. If you would like to visit your child’s classroom, please have your child’s classroom leader or our Welcoming Director call a Redemption Kids Supervisor for approval.
All Redemption Kids volunteers go through an in-depth screening process which includes completing an application, going through a background and reference check, being interviewed by an R/Kids Supervisor, completing training, and performing a classroom observation. Redemption Kids always has a CPR/First-Aid certified volunteer available during services.
Emergency Preparedness
In case of an emergency, all of our volunteers are trained on appropriate procedures and a CPR/First-Aid certified volunteer is always available.
In case of an evacuation, please pick up your child from the large grass area behind the two-story building on the east side of campus.
In case of a lock-down, all of our classroom doors will be locked until the situation has been deemed safe. You may pick up your child once the lock-down is removed.
Child Protection Policy
At R/Kids and 5th & 6th, follow the Redemption Church Child Protection Policy.
Well-Child Policy
We like to share everything but germs! Please do not drop children off with any of the following symptoms (not related to pre-existing conditions):
Runny nose (clear, white, green, or yellow)
A temperature of 100* or higher (in the last 72 hours)
Diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, or any visible rash other than diaper rash
Any drainage from the eyes/ears, open sores
Extreme irritability or exhaustion
Head lice or mouth sores
Persistent coughing or sneezing (allergy or asthmatic symptoms excluded)
If any member of the family contracts a contagious illness (i.e. pink eye, strep throat, head lice, chicken pox, covid-19)
Any illness that prevents them from fully participating in classroom activities
Please note if your child displays any of the above symptoms while in our care, you will be asked to pick them up from the classroom.
Allergies + Medical Concerns
If your child has special allergies and/or medical concerns, please be sure to note these when first registering your child into our computer check-in system. These will appear every week on your child’s tag. If you forgot or need to add an allergy or medical concern to your child’s profile, our Family Greeter can assist you.
Redemption Kids uses bible-based curriculum in our classrooms. This curriculum (including the lesson, memory verse, and craft) is developed by The Gospel Project. Our current curriculum overview video can be found HERE. If you have specific questions related to our children’s curriculum, please contact our Kids Director, Susanne.
Redemption has been Susanne’s church home since its early days of Praxis on Ash, back in 2005 (she also met her husband Martin at a Praxis small group). In her role of directing the ministry of Redemption Kids at R/Tempe, Susanne gets to see kids, families, and volunteers get to know and love Jesus more as they grow in their understanding of what it looks like to follow Him and be a part of His family. Her experience teaching kids in fun and engaging ways stems from her degree in Elementary Education, but especially from her many years of involvement with Younglife, working various summer camps around the country and with Boys and Girls Club, and volunteering with Redemption Kids before joining staff. Susanne and Martin have two zany and beautiful children who remind them of God’s faithfulness daily. Susanne also finds joy in birding, going to the zoo, eating cheese, and reading books.
Help show the love of God to the kids of our church by serving in Redemption Kids!
Just fill out the form below and/or show up to a Volunteer Orientation on the first Sunday of every month. Meet us in front of the Kids board in the Sanctuary Lobby after the 9am service and we'll get you started!
For questions regarding Redemption Kids, please contact our Kids Director, Susanne Gonzalez.
5th & 6th grade
Join us Sundays at 11AM in the Gym!
Our mission is to offer a safe and fun space where students participate in the family of Christ, grow in their faith and learn to worship God in their daily life. Our curriculum helps students embrace their faith and understand God's story and His work in the world.
Join us for games, scripture reading, and small group discussion. Meet us in the gym and get picked up in room 721.
For your first visit, please arrive a few minutes early to connect with our 5th & 6th Team in the gym and check in your child. After service, you can pick them up in room 721 (upstairs). On future visits, students can check themselves in and be picked up just outside room 721.
CONNECT WITH 5th & 6th
Kenzie was born and raised in northern Colorado and has been at Redemption Tempe since 2020. She has served in college ministry for a number of years and now uses the discipling and relational skills that she’s gained to the connect with R/Tempe’s 5th and 6th graders. As the 5th & 6th Grade Coordinator, Kenzie enjoys working with kids during this formative stage. She loves having a whole lot of FUN with them while also trusting God to reveal Himself as King of their lives and for the gospel to be good news to their growing hearts and minds. Kenzie and her husband, Austyn, love playing pickle-ball, and Kenzie also played Division 1 college softball. She loves anything designed by Joanna Gaines and some day hopes to live on a farm with a house full of kids.
Help show the love of God to the kids of our church by serving in Redemption 5th & 6th! Just fill out the form below or contact Kenzie for more information.
For questions regarding Redemption 5th & 6th, please contact our 5th & 6th Coordinator, Kenzie Harris.