serve new life:
Donations that come in need sorting, folding, and organizing at the center. Timing is coordinated by the center.
Get the word out to your RC, Bible study neighbors, co-workers that you’re gathering diapers to donate. They can be bundled to give to the new moms.
New Life will drop off empty baby bottles to the church, small groups, women’s groups, etc. Spare change can be dropped into the bottles and then New Life will get the bottles back full of change
Bible Study or Parenting classes are provided by the center and in need of volunteers to help facilitate discussions. Materials are provided by the center. This is a more relational opportunity to serve the girls coming into the center.
Support the girls that come to the center. Walk them through the center, gathering what they need & building a relationship with them. The hope is that through this relationship, they will become more involved in the classes offered.