serve bridges:
We have weekly Bible discussion groups with a large group of international students, mostly non-Christians, where we provide a nice dinner. You can provide a home-cooked, meal, take-out or money for us to prepare the food. Contact Tracey or Charles Boyle.
Help with furniture pickup and delivery. At the beginning of the semesters, these students need help settling into life on campus. This is a great way to tangibly help & get to know some of our international neighbors.
This is for volunteers who are looking to become involved on a regular basis. Make friendships to invest in outside of the meeting. This is the easiest first step with Bridges: it gives both volunteers & staff a chance to get to know each other and to see if Bridges would be a good fit for them. Email Jessey Warren.
Cross-cultural training volunteers are needed to befriend international students during events & activities to begin cross-cultural relationships that enable you to learn more about their culture & share about your culture. Contact Tracey or Charles for more info.
Become a Friendship Partner to a Student. This simply means being available to answer questions and periodically getting together to navigate cultural issues that might arise. For more info contact anyone on the list above.
Most international students are very curious about how Americans celebrate holidays. Oftentimes the American students leave campus to be with their families for holidays. Inviting students over to share in this holiday & eat together is deeply meaningful and provides a sense of family here in America.
We have new international students arrive in August & January that need a temporary place to live while their dorm or apartment is made available. They usually stay for a couple of nights, but the relationships formed can last a lifetime. Contact Tracey or Charles Boyle.