following king jesus in all of life

We strive for Jesus to reign over every aspect of our lives, every minute of the day, in the deepest place of our hearts.

The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' most renowned teaching, yet possibly the least understood & obeyed. Our goal is to live out its lessons so that others may see and believe!

Want to explore the Beatitudes further? Join our All of Life Lab, a 6-week course designed to translate our faith into action & participate with God in His mission in the world.

kingdom actions

This season, we'll focus on taking action in three key areas often shaped by idols and ideologies rather than Jesus' ways.

  • Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world, engaging with our city and nation in ways that reflect His unique presence. This fall, as election season brings tension, we must consider how to align our actions with Jesus rather than with idols or ideologies. How can we be wise, humble, and life-giving peacemakers in our public interactions?

  • Many people will spend over 100,000 hours working throughout their lives, including both paid jobs and domestic duties. However, this work is frequently influenced by idols such as money, success, and personal identity. How can we work in a manner that reflects the goodness of the Kingdom and testifies to the King?

  • Our relationships are often shaped by cultural norms rather than the distinct values of the Kingdom. How can we prioritize time with loved ones, build deep connections, and foster a community that reflects the love and unity of God's Kingdom?


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