R/Tempe Vision


Join us as we press more deeply into the mission of making disciples who live All of Life, All for Jesus.


We desire to launch communities that seek the shalom of all people, places, & problems in our city by the year 2073.

We aim to establish communities that pursue the shalom of all people, places, and problems in our city by 2073.

What defines our city? In the book of Jeremiah, when God instructed His people to seek the shalom of the city, He was directing them towards the prosperity of a functional economy within clear boundaries. Today, the official perimeters of a "city" are less significant than the functional economies, which are parts of the greater Phoenix-Metro area linked by geography and transportation accessibility.

Our perception of "our place" can be delineated by three concentric circles. The widest circle represents the Phoenix-Metro area. The subsequent layer is demarcated by Loop 202. Just as ancient cities had defining outer walls, we view Loop 202 as the boundary of the area God has entrusted to us.

God has strategically positioned our church campus at the heart of Loop 202, close to the junction of Loop 101 and US 60. This central location is the epicenter of our mission focus, spanning a 15-20 minute drive in any direction.

Our location isn’t an accident. God is the one who decides when and where we live for the sake of his mission. He’s placed us in a unique location to bring together groups of people who might not otherwise come together. This cross section has the potential to be a place where people from different economic backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and ideological leanings come together as a community that displays the reconciling work of Christ as we feast as God’s family.  

What does it mean for us to seek the shalom of this place? We plant intentional communities of believers who seek the flourishing of each place (Dobson Ranch, ASU, Guadalupe), people group (youth, refugees, elderly), and problems (homelessness, loneliness, addiction) within this area. 

Sometimes we will plant RC’s or Prayer & Action Groups. Other times we might plant a church. Our main approach will be to equip and release disciples to self-organize to seek the shalom of their particular missional focus. 

We cannot do this alone, so we will partner with other churches and organizations with the same vision. We cannot do this quickly, so we have a long-term approach that things in terms of generations rather than quarters. While God can miraculously make anything happen, we seek the flourishing of the city with the year 2073 in mind as much as 2023. We long to see the day in 2073 when we can drive these streets and see spiritual, social, and physical flourishing among all people, places, & and problems in our city.


In a world of either/or, our God is an “and” God. He’s fully God & fully human, full of grace & truth, completely powerful & beautifully humble. He’s called his people to live paradoxical lives that bring seemingly opposite things together to bear witness to his character and kingdom. Therefore, we seek to make disciples that bring things together that we word tends to tear apart. If we fulfill our calling as a church, we’ll be a community of disciples who exemplify the following. 

Word & Spirit – Deep commitment to encountering Jesus through scripture and prayer. 

Work & Rest – Working for the glory of God and good of our neighbors with regular rhythms of rest, recreation, and restorative rhythms. 

Family and Hospitality – We relate to one another with deep commitment as a family, but we’re the kind of family that has a posture of adoption, committed to welcoming others. 

Worship & Wonder – We worship God together in our corporate gathering because he’s worthy of our collective praise, but we also encounter his goodness in all of life.

Proclaim & Demonstrate – We aim to declare the truths of the Gospel, not just with our words but also through our actions. In a world that often prioritizes talk over tangible action, we are committed to both heralding the good news of Jesus and tangibly demonstrating His love. Our proclamation is made authentic by our demonstration, and our actions are given clarity by our proclamation. We aim to be a community where our words and deeds echo the message of Christ's love and redemption.

Biblical Story & Personal Story – Our engagement with the world comes from a deep understanding of the Biblical Story & our personal stories. We strive to be a community that views all of life through the lens of the Biblical Story rather than the idolatrous stories of our day. We also seek to understand our personal stories--our gifts, pains, experiences, and personalities. Our engagement of the world is shaped by knowing the universal and true story of the world and the stories of our particular lives. 

Staying & Sending – We’re calling our church to be a community where most people are deeply rooted and committed to sinking roots in the city, community, friendships, families. However, we live in a transient place and see an important role in the life of our church is to be a sending community who is used to launch people into other places. We are a community that sends and stays for the sake of mission, but pushes back against the impulse of unintentional drifting or wandering away from commitments and responsibilities. 

Stewardship & Sacrifice – We intentionally steward our souls, bodies, finances, and families. However, we are stewards of lives that belong to God and want to resist the temptation to be self-absorbed.  We cultivate all aspects of our lives well so that they can be poured out in a life of sacrificial love for others.